SADASBOR Kab. Tasikmalaya

by Pemerintah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya



SADASBOR Kab. Tasikmalaya functions as an application for the presence of Tasikmalaya Regency Government employees who work based on the comparison of the users device location point with the users location point. If the user is in the coordinate area of ​​the office location, then attendance can be done properly. However, if the user is outside the coordinate area of ​​the office location, then attendance cannot be done.Attendance provided in this application include Attendance Come, Attendance Go Home, External Service and Filing Sick. Arrival Attendance and Home Attendance can only be done within the coordinate area of ​​the office location, while for External Services and Sick Applications can be carried out outside the office location coordinate area as a form of attendance for external service assignments or sick leave.With the use of the Geolocator and Geocoding packages, it allows the application to provide accurate and real-time coordinates for the convenience of users in using this application service.Equipped with the REST API method also from and for data processing, allowing the application to work quickly, lightly and user device base because in the application there are not many use and store data to internal devices, but through the SADASBOR API and SIMPEG API so that it does not burden the users device a lot in terms of storage.Tasikmalaya Regency Government © 2022The transportation Department of communication and informaticsAll Rights Reserved